Jun 2014

Late-breaking abstract submissions

The normal abstract submission is now closed with a turnout of close to 100 abstracts, but it is still possible to submit late-breaking abstracts until 4 August. We will not be able to include late-breaking abstracts in the abstract book and are not considered for oral presentations.

Meeting start and finnish

We have had some questions about when the meeting will start and finish. The program will start on Thursday the 11/9 with lunch from 12:30 and the first session starts at 13:30. The program ends at 12:30 on Sunday the 14/9 when lunch will be served. We have just been made aware of that there is a misstake on the registration pages that are linked from this homepage that state that the meeting starts already on the 10/9. This is wrong, and the registration pages will be updated after the weekend.